Hvaležni medved / The grateful bear (pubblicazione multilingue)
The beautifully illustrated picture book is suitable for the youngest, who always like to listen to beautiful and instructive animal tales, as well as for those who are learning to read. It is encouraging, instructive and challenging for those who are already flirting with the English language, as the text is written in Slovene and English. At the end of the book parents and teachers will also find some starting points for talking with children. The design of the picture book is adapted to children who have reading difficulties, as it is friendly to the visually impaired and children with dyslexia.
Prikupno ilustrirana slikanica je primerna tako za najmlajše, ki vedno radi prisluhnejo lepim in poučnim živalskim pravljicam, kot za tiste, ki se učijo branja. Vsekakor pa je spodbudna, poučna in izziv za tiste, ki se že spogledujejo z angleškim jezikom, saj je besedilo napisano v slovenščini in v angleščini. Na koncu boste starši in učitelji našli tudi nekaj izhodiščnih točk za pogovor z otroki. Oblikovno je slikanica prilagojena otrokom, ki imajo bralne težave, saj je prijazna slabovidnim in otrokom z disleksijo.