Avtor: Kaja Aleš Luznar
Prevajalec: Nastja Topalovič
Ilustrator: Katka Furlan

Po čem diši lešnik? / What does a hazelnut smell like? (publikacija je večjezična)

Slikanica Po čem diši lešnik? / What does a hazelnut smell like?, avtorice Kaje Aleš Luznar raste skupaj z otrokom. Preprosta zgodba že predšolskega otroka popelje skozi ljubke ilustracije do čudovitega nauka o ljubezni. Njegova prijateljica ostane tudi v času šole. Zgodba je prevedena tudi v angleščino in tako otroka seznani tudi s prvim tujim jezikom. Pisava in oblika besedila pa sta prilagojeni dislektikom. Slikanica prinaša tudi pobarvanko.


The picture book What does a hazelnut smell like? by Kaja Aleš Luznar, which was published recently, is a book that grows up together with children. A simple story takes preschool children through lovely illustrations to a wonderful doctrine of love. It will remain their friend also during the years at school. The story is also translated into English and thus introduces the child to the first foreign language. The font and format of the text are adapted to dyslexics. The picture book also includes a colouring book.

Št. strani: 14
Leto izida: 2015
Jezik: slovenski, angleški
Vezava: trda
Mere: 32 x 22 cm
Založba: Filantrop
ISBN: 9789612818166
Spletna cena:
